Keep the IDLI steaming
Should I get started with “Machine Learning” to improve my situation?
If you are trying to pick an action based on a problem you are facing, how should you approach it? You have heard a lot or a little about “Machine Learning.” Here’s my personal story to help you decide.
As a software programmer, when I want solve a problem, I try to figure out a way to automate it. Being a machine learning engineer, I begin comparing to the oldest problem solving method: deterministic programming.
Being active is my passion. Everyday, I decide whether to go outside for a run outdoors. Situations that influence my decision are:
Is it raining outside?
Time of the day?
Do I have to drop my son in school?
What is the temperature outside?
If I do this deterministically, then I will end up with lot of “If” conditions for all the permutations of combinations that are possible . With just 4 attributes, it is getting complex. Imagine having hundreds of attributes influencing whether I want to run or not. This is where machine learning will save my day. (Did I mention that I am a lazy programmer? Good code is better than more code.).
A machine learning model “projects past on future” to “learn” whether I will run outside or not. With historical data of my running (Map my run, Garmin, Fitbit, Apple Watch) + publicly available weather data, I can train a machine learning model (classification problem) to decide whether I want to run or not. A set of machine learning algorithms will approximate a decision boundary for this problem. Output from the machine learning algorithm is probability for 2 classes: a) run or b) don’t run.
Do you see? Machine learning rocks. This story is perfect for a supervised classification problem.